Exploring PHP 8.0

Larry Garfield


Cover of Exploring PHP 8.0 Cover of Thinking Functionally in PHP

Recent PHP History

PHP 7.0, 2015
Return types, scalar types, spaceship, null coalesce, anon classes
PHP 7.1, 2016
iterable type, Nullable types, void returns
PHP 7.2, 2017
object type
PHP 7.3, 2018
Some minor stuff
PHP 7.4, 2019
Short lambdas, typed properties, null coalesce assign, array splat
PHP 8.0, 2020
So so much...

PHP 8.0 is the biggest release since...

PHP 7.4

Type improvements

Union types

function mangleUsers(string|array $users): array
    if (is_string($users)) {
        $users = [$users];
    // ...

Union types

function doMath(int|float $in): int|float
    // ...

Union types

function handleRequest(RequestInterface $req):
    // ...

Speciality Unions

  • null is a type, equivalent to ?
  • false is a return type only, don't use it
  • mixed ~ untyped, so use mixed

static returns

interface TaskBuilder
    public function addStep(Step $s): static;

class ImportantTask implements TaskBuilder
    public function addStep(Step $s): static
        $this->steps[] = $s;
        return $this;

addStep() returns ImportantTask, not TaskBuilder.


interface Stringable {
  public function __toString(): string;

function show_message(string|Stringable $message): void
    // ...

It's automated!

Improved string functions


$needle = 'hello';

if (str_starts_with('hello world', $needle)) {
    print "This must be your first program.";

$needle = 'world';

if (str_ends_with('hello world', $needle)) {
    print "You say hello to everyone else but not me?";


$needle = 'on';
if (str_contains('peace on earth', $needle)) {
    print "Yes, let's do that.";

Never (screw up) writing this again

$needle = 'on';
if (strpos('peace on earth', $needle) == false) {
    print "You have a bug!";

Numeric strings

A string that is probably close enough to a number that we can
convert it to one automagically and call it a day

Sticks of dynamite tied to a timer

"time bomb" by dkshots is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

In PHP 7.4...

0 == "wait, what?";           // true
0 == "";                      // true
99 == '99 bottles of beer';   // true
42 == '     42';              // true
42 == '42     ';              // false, only sometimes
in_array(0, ['a', 'b', 'c']); // true

PHP 8.0

Numeric string:


Whitespace is ignored at the start and end, consistently



" 42 " < $a_num => Compare as numbers

'abc' < $a_num => Compare as strings

Function args

expects_int(" 42 "); => OK in weak mode, error in strict

expects_int("42 is the answer"); => always type error

Now go enable declare(strict_types=1);

Match expressions

"Burning Match Novoflex adaptor NX NIK 85mm Samsung NX200" by zen whisk is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Have you done this?

$display = $user->isAdmin()
    ? $user->name() . ' (admin)'
    : $user->name() . ' (muggle)'
  • Clean branching expression
  • Encourages simple expressions
  • Encourages factoring out to functions
  • Only works for true/false :-(

match() expressions

$display = match($user->isAdmin()) {
    true  => $user->name . ' (admin)',
    false => $user->name . ' (muggle)',
  • === match
  • Returns expression
  • No fall-through
  • Must be exhaustive


switch ($var) {
    case 'a':
        $message = "The variable was a.";
    case 'b':
        $message = "The variable was b.";
    case 'c':
        $message = "The variable was c.";
        $message = "The variable was something else.";

Becomes this

$message = match($var) {
    'a' => 'The variable was a',
    'b' => 'The variable was b',
    'c' => 'The variable was c',
    default => 'The variable was something else',

Compound arms

echo match($operator) {
    '+', '-', '*', '/' => 'Basic arithmetic',
    '%' => 'Modulus',
    '!' => 'Negation',

Complex matches

$count = get_count();
$size = match(true) {
    $count > 0 && $count <=10 => 'small',
    $count <=50 => 'medium',
    $count >50 => 'huge',

Nullsafe methods

Null: The billion dollar mistake

100 billion dollar bill

"100 Billion Dollars" by Peat Bakke is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Cleaning up someone else's null

$user = get_user($id);
if (!is_null($user)) {
    $address = $user->getAddress();
    if (!is_null($address)) {
        $state = $address->state;
        if (!is_null($state)) {
            // And so on.


PHP 8.0

$state = get_user($id)?->getAddress()?->state;

Short-circuiting nulls

$bestSaleItem = $catalog
  • get_seasonal_type() not called if $catalog is null
  • Doesn't work on the array from mostPopular()

Moar warnings and errors

From warning to error exception

Modify property of non-object
$not_object->foo = 'bar'
Writing to scalar value as array
$an_int[] = 4;
Invalid argument for foreach()
foreach($an_int as $x) {}
foreach($not_traversable as $x) {}
Illegal offset
print $arr[$an_object]
Division by zero
$val = 5/0

From notice to warning

Array offset on non-array
Access property of non-object
Array to string conversion
print $an_array
Undefined property
Undefined variable
print $does_not_exist

Undefined variables are now Warnings!

Moar commas


RFC: Allow trailing commas in...

  • function arguments
  • function declaration
  • grouped namespaces
  • implements clause for interfaces
  • use clauses for traits
  • class property list
  • closure use statement


PHP 7.3

RFC: Allow a trailing comma in function arguments

Passed 30:10


PHP 8.0

Trailing commas in function definition: Done

Trailing commas in closure use: Done



class Address
    public function __construct(
        string $street,
        string $number,
        string $city,
        string $state,
        string $zip,     // This is new.
    ) {
    // ...

More Commas!

$a ='A';
$b = 'B';
$c = 'C';

$dynamic_function = function(
  $third, // This is new, as before.
) use (
  $c,     // This is also new.

Constructor Promotion

PHP 7.4 and earlier

Drake disapproves of this code

class FormRenderer
    private ThemeSystem $theme;
    private UserRepository $users;
    private ModuleSystem $modules;

    public function __construct(
        ThemeSystem $theme,
        UserRepository $users,
        ModuleSystem $modules
    ) {
        $this->theme = $theme;
        $this->users = $users;
        $this->modules = $modules;

    public function render(Form $form): string
        // ...

PHP 8.0

Drake approves of this code

class FormRenderer
    public function __construct(
        private ThemeSystem $theme,
        private UserRepository $users,
        private ModuleSystem $modules,
    ) { }

    public function renderForm(Form $form): string
        // ...

Mix and match

class FormRenderer
    private User $currentUser;

    public function __construct(
        private ThemeSystem $theme,
        private UserRepository $users,
        private ModuleSystem $modules,
    ) {
        $this->currentUser = $this->users->getActiveUser();

    public function renderForm(Form $form): string
        // ...

Trivial value objects

Class MailMessage
    public function __construct(
        public string $to,
        public string $subject,
        public string $from,
        public string $body,
        public array $cc,
        public array $bcc,
        public string $attachmentPath,
    ) {}


(~Doctrine Annotations but in core)


class Product
    protected int $id;

    public function refillStock(int $quantity): bool
        // ...

Example: Tukio

function my_listener(MyEvent $event): void { ... }

$provider = new OrderedListenerProvider();

// How you normally add a listener to a provider.
$provider->addListener('my_listener', 5, 'listener_a', MyEvent::class);

Step 1: Define attribute

namespace Crell\Tukio;

use \Attribute;

class Listener implements ListenerAttribute
   public function __construct(
       public ?string $id = null,
       public ?string $type = null,
   ) {}

Step 1.5: Restrict attribute

namespace Crell\Tukio;

use \Attribute;

#[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_FUNCTION | Attribute::TARGET_METHOD)]
class Listener implements ListenerAttribute
   public function __construct(
       public ?string $id = null,
       public ?string $type = null,
   ) {}

Step 2: Tag it

use Crell\Tukio\Listener;

function my_listener(MyEvent $event): void { ... }

$provider = new OrderedListenerProvider();

$provider->addListener('my_listener', 5);

Step 3: Interpret it

Use Crell\Tukio\Listener;

/// A string means it's a function name,
// so reflect on it as a function.
if (is_string($listener)) {
    $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($listener);
    $attribs = $ref->getAttributes(
    $attributes = array_map(
        fn(\ReflectionAttribute $attrib) => $attrib->newInstance(),

Symfony 5.2

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Attribute\CurrentUser;

class SomeController
    #[Route('/path', 'action_name')]
    public function index(#[CurrentUser] MyUser $user)
        // ...

Promoted parameter attributes

class Point
    public function __construct(
        public int $x,
        public int $y
    ) {}

Applies to parameter and property


What does this do?

Drake disapproves of this code

$new = array_fill(0, 100, 50);
  • 50, 100 times?
  • 100, 50 times?

That's what this does!

Drake approves of this code

array_fill(start_index: 0, count: 100, value: 50);

Any order

  value: 50,
  count: 100,
  start_index: 0,

Not allowed

  value: 50,
  count: 100,


// Indexed array, so the values will map to indexed parameters.
$params = [0, 100, 50];

// Named array, so the values will map to named parameters.
$params = ['count' => 100, 'start_index' => 0, 'value' => 50];

Dynamic arguments

$args['value'] = $request->get('val') ?? 'a';
$args['start_index'] = 0;
$args['count'] = $config->getSetting('array_size');

$array = array_fill(...$args);

Value objects

class Url implements UrlInterface
    public function __construct(
        private string $scheme = 'https',
        private ?string $authority = null,
        private ?string $userInfo = null,
        private string $host = '',
        private ?int $port = 443,
        private string $path = '',
        private ?string $query = null,
        private ?string $fragment = null,
    ) {}

How are you going to call?

// PHP <= 7.4
$url = new Url('https', null, null, 'typo3.org', 443, '/blog', null, 'latest');

// PHP 8.0
$url = new Url(host: 'typo3.org', path: '/blog', fragment: 'latest');

// PHP 8.0
$url = new Url(
    path: '/blog',
    host: 'typo3.org',
    fragment: 'latest'

cf: Improving PHP's object ergonomics


class SomeController
          path: '/path',
          name: 'action',
    public function someAction()
        // ...

The most important use case...

if (in_array(haystack: $arr, needle: 'A')) {
    // ...


Caveat coder

Parameter names are now part of your interface contract

Oh, yeah, JIT

In summary...

  • You need to write half as much code
  • Your code is more self-descriptive
  • Undefined variables are always a warning
  • $needle/$haystack is no longer a thing
That's PHP 8.0

Larry Garfield


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Cover of Exploring PHP 8.0

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Cover of Thinking Functionally in PHP
