PHP 7.4

The New Hotness

Larry Garfield


Larry implements Huggable
  • Director of DX,
  • PHP-FIG Core Committee
  • implements Huggable



Anonymous structs are very bad

          $order = [
              'id' => 345,
              'total' => 100.45,
              'skus' => [ 123, '5B3', '987'],
              'canceled' => false,
              'usr' => 8,
  • Is canceled spelled right?
  • Is usr correct or a typo?
  • Is user an ID or User object?
  • Are skus numeric or strings?
  • Can skus be a single value?
  • Are there other properties?
  • What currency is total in?

Named structs are better

        class Order {
            public $id;
            public $total;
            public $cancelled = false;
            public $user;
            public $skus = [];

Typed named structs are best

        class Order {
            public string $id;
            public Money $total;
            public bool $cancelled = false;
            public User $user;
            public array $skus = [];

Typed Properties

  • Any valid type except callable/void
  • Enforced on "set"
  • Can be nullable: private ?User $user;
  • Obeys strict/weak typing mode
  • Cannot change in inheritance
  • All you "self-documenting" people, take note

Literal defaults work

          class Test {
              // Legal default values
              public bool     $a = true;
              public int      $b = 42;
              public float    $c = 42.42;
              public string   $e = "str";
              public array    $f = [1, 2, 3];
              public iterable $g = [1, 2, 3];
              public ?int     $h = null;
              public ?Test    $j = null;

              // These have *no* legal default values
              // so "uninitialized"
              public object   $k;
              public Test     $l;

"Uninitialized" behavior

          class Product {
            public string $size;

          $p = new Product();

          print ($p->size);
          // Throws TypeError:
          // Typed property Product::$size must not be accessed
          // before initialization

So when should I use it?

Pretty much always


          $username = $username ? $username : 'Anonymous';

          $username = $username ?: 'Anonymous';

But what if $username doesn't exist?

          Notice: Undefined variable: username on line 3


              $username = isset($username) && !is_null($username) ? $username : 'Anonymous';

NULL coalesce! (PHP 7.0)

              $username = $username ?? $user->username() ?? 'Anonymous';

NULL coalesce assign! (PHP 7.4)

              $username ??= $user->username() ?? 'Anonymous';

?? and ??= check setness, not truthiness

So when should I use it?

  • Default values object/array parameters
  • Anywhere it makes the code prettier


This is too verbose

          $users = [new User(1), new User(2), new User(3), /* ... */];

          $field = 'first';

          usort($users, function (User $u1, User $u2) use ($field) {
              return $u1->get($field) <=> $u2->get($field);

          $names = array_map(function(User $user) use ($field) {
              return $user->get($field);
          }, $users);

Now more compact

          $users = [new User(1), new User(2), new User(3), /* ... */];

          $field = 'first';

          usort($users, fn($u1, $u2) => $u1->get($field) <=> $u2->get($field));

          $names = array_map(fn(User $user) => $user->get($field), $users);

Short-lambda / Arrow function

          $func = fn() => *expression*;

          $func = fn($a) => *expression*;

          $func = fn(string $a): string => *expression*;
  • Supports types or not
  • Single expression only
  • Auto-capture by value
  • Is itself a value literal

For Functional Programming

Trivial partial application

          function volume(float $x, float $y, float $z): float {
              return $x * $y * $z;

          $x = 5;

          $volumeWithX = fn(float $y, float $z): float => volume($x, $y, $z);

          $volumeWithXY = fn(float $z): float => $volumeWithX(4, $z);

          $volumeForLength = fn(float $y): float => volume(5, $y, 8);

The class equivalent

          class YVolumizer {
              private float $x;
              private float $z;

              public function __construct(float $x, float $z) {
                  $this->x = $x;
                  $this->z = $z;

              public function __invoke(float $y): float {
                  return volume($this->x, $y, $this->z);
          $volumizerForLength = new YVolumizer(5, 8);
          print $volumizerForLength(4);

          $volumeForLength = fn(float $y): float => volume(5, $y, 8);
          print $volumeForLength(4);

Make any function single-parameter

          function compose(callable ...$fns): callable {
              return fn($x)
                => array_reduce($fns, fn($collect, $func)
                  => $func($collect), $x);

          $holiday = "Lincoln's Birthday";
          $findPromotionsFor = compose(
              fn($x) => getShoppingList($x, 'wishlist'),
              fn($x) => mostExpensiveItem($x, ['exclude' => 'onSale']),
              fn($x) => getPromotions($x, $holiday),


So when should I use it?

  • Most map/filter/usort calls
  • Call function parameters out of order
  • "Thinking in functions"


Full method
covariance and contravariance

Preserves ordering of types from more specific to more generic
Preserves ordering of types from more general to more specific

"Subclasses work in inheritance now"

PHP < 7.2

Cannot vary method signature at all

          class User {}
          class Admin extends User {}

          class Product {}
          class TShirt extends Product {}

          class FavoriteFinder {
              public function stuff(Admin $user): Product {}

          class UserFavorite extends FavoriteFinder {
              public function stuff(Admin $user): Product {}

PHP 7.2

Can add return types and remove param types

          class User {}
          class Admin extends User {}

          class Product {}
          class TShirt extends Product {}

          class FavoriteFinder {
              public function stuff(Admin $user) {}

          class UserFavorite extends FavoriteFinder {
              public function stuff($user): TShirt {}

PHP 7.4

Super-types for params, subtypes for returns

          class User {}
          class Admin extends User {}

          class Product {}
          class TShirt extends Product {}

          class FavoriteFinder {
              public function stuff(Admin $user): Product {}

          class UserFavorite extends FavoriteFinder {
              public function stuff(User $user): TShirt {}

return self now works!

              interface AList {
                  public function add($item): self;

              class SpecialList implements AList {
                  public function add($item): self {}

PHP < 7.4

Fatal error: Declaration of SpecialList::add($item): SpecialList must be compatible with AList::add($item): AList

(But wait, return static is coming in PHP 8...)

So when should I use it?

Any time you want (especially value objects)!


Bowl of cereal

__sleep/__wakeup (The before times)

          class User {
              protected int $id;
              protected string $name;
              protected DateTime $lastLogin;

              // ...

              public function __sleep() {
                  return ['id', 'name'];

              public function __wakeup() {
                  $this->lastLogin = UserSystem::getLastLogin($this->id);

          $s = serialize(new User());

          // O:4:"User":2:{s:5:"*id";i:42;s:7:"*name";s:5:"Larry";}


Done well

  • Inheritance works properly
  • Object references retained
  • Let's the serializer engine do the hard work


  • Can only serialize existing properties
  • Cannot control deserialization

Serializable (PHP 5.1)

          class User implements Serializable {
              protected int $id;
              protected string $name;
              protected DateTime $lastLogin;

              public function serialize(): string {
                  return serialize(['id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name]);

              public function unserialize($serialized): void {
                  $data = unserialize($serialized);
                  $this->id = $data['id'];
                  $this->name = $data['name'];
                  $this->lastLogin = UserSystem::getLastLogin($this->id);

          $s = serialize(new User());

          // C:4:"User":43:{a:2:{s:2:"id";i:42;s:4:"name";s:5:"Larry";}}

Done well

  • More flexibility in representation


  • Breaks on circular references
  • Breaks on inheritance (sometimes)
  • Opaque serialized value
  • No guarantee serialized format is serialize()-ish
  • Breaks up the serializer, no optimizations

__serialize/__unserialize (PHP 7.4)

          class User {
              protected int $id;
              protected string $name;
              protected DateTime $lastLogin;

              // ...

              public function __serialize(): array {
                  return ['id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name];

              public function __unserialize(array $data): void {
                  $this->id = $data['id'];
                  $this->name = $data['name'];
                  $this->lastLogin = UserSystem::getLastLogin($this->id);

          $s = serialize(new User());

          // O:4:"User":2:{s:2:"id";i:42;s:4:"name";s:5:"Larry";}


Done well

  • Inheritance works
  • Object references retained
  • Full flexibility for what is serialized
  • Let's the serializer engine do the hard work
  • Backward compatible
  • Identical format to __sleep()
  • Essentially a built-in "normalizer" operation


  • None yet? :-)


__serialize() > Serializable > __sleep() > default

O: __unserialize() > __wakeup() > default

C: Serializable > default

So when should I use it?

  • Any time you want to serialize an object
  • When you need a cheap normalized form


How do you combine arrays?

          $a1 = [1, 2, 3];
          $a2 = [4, 5, 6];

          $b = $a1 + $a2; // Maybe?

Wrong! Only for all-associative arrays.

          array(3) {


              $a1 = [1, 2, 3];
              $a2 = [4, 5, 6];

              $b = array_merge($a1, $a2);  // Eew.

Splat (Spread)!

              $a1 = [1, 2, 3];
              $a2 = [4, 5, 6];

              $b = [...$a1, ...$a2];

They all go splat

          function afunc(string $b, User ...$users): callable
              $params = [$a, $b, ...$users];
  • ... in function def: Replaces func_get_args()
  • ... in function call: Replaces call_user_func_array()
  • ... in array: Replaces array_merge()

... That's amazing!

So when should I use it?

Anytime you would have used array_merge()

Embedding one sequential array inside another


Think fast, what number is this?

              $num = 10000000000000;

How about this?

              $num = 10_000_000_000_000;

Compile identically

Any numeric value

          6.674_083e-11; // float
          299_792_458;   // integer
          0xCAFE_F00D;   // hexadecimal
          0b0101_1111;   // binary
          0137_041;      // octal

So when should I use it?

  • Big number constants
  • Binary literals
  • Hex address literals


Q: What is the slowest, avoidable part of a large app?

A: Autoloading

How PHP Opcache works

PHP re-links code on every include

How PHP 7.4 Opcache works

Preloading loads code into shared memory at system startup


              opcache.preload = preload-script.php


            $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/vendor');
            $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory);
            $regex = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+\.php$/i',

            foreach ($regex as $key => $file) {
                // This is the important part!

So when should I use it?

  • Let benchmarks tell you
  • Anything not easily autoloaded (functions)
  • I'll probably use it for most code


Here be dragons!

Foreign Function Interface

  • Expose C ABI code to PHP
  • Works with any compiled C ABI language (mainly C and Rust)
  • Kind of a clunky API
  • Many security considerations


          struct point {
              int     x;
              int     y;

          double distance(struct point first, struct point second);


          #include "points.h"
          #include <math.h>

          double distance(struct point first, struct point second) {
              double a_squared = pow((second.x - first.x), 2);
              double b_squared = pow((second.y - first.y), 2);

              return sqrt(a_squared + b_squared);


          class Point {
             public int $x;
             public int $y;

             public function __construct(int $x, int $y) {
                 $this->x = $x;
                 $this->y = $y;


          require_once 'classes.php';

          $ffi = FFI::cdef(file_get_contents('points.h'), '');

          $p1 = new Point(3, 4);
          $p2 = new Point(7, 9);

          $cp1 = $ffi->new('struct point');
          $cp2 = $ffi->new('struct point');

          $cp1->x = $p1->x;
          $cp1->y = $p1->y;
          $cp2->x = $p2->x;
          $cp2->y = $p2->y;

          $d = $ffi->distance($cp1, $cp2);

          print "Distance is $d\n";

            $ php inline.php
            Distance is 6.4031242374328


But this is super slow


FFI performance

  • C code is way faster than PHP
  • Initializing the library on each request is very slow
  • Calling across the PHP/C boundary is very slow

Running arbitrary C code is stupidly insecure!

Preloading FFI

  • FFI only works from CLI or in preload code
  • ffi.enable=true (don't do this in prod!)
  • Default is preload
  • Preload requires Opcache
  • Opcache not enabled on CLI by default


          #define FFI_SCOPE "POINTS"
          #define FFI_LIB "./"

          struct point {
              int     x;
              int     y;

          double distance(struct point first, struct point second);


          FFI::load(__DIR__ . "/points.h");
          opcache_compile_file(__DIR__ . "/classes.php");


          $ffi = \FFI::scope("POINTS");

          $p1 = new Point(3, 4);
          $p2 = new Point(7, 9);

          $cp1 = $ffi->new('struct point');
          $cp2 = $ffi->new('struct point');

          $cp1->x = $p1->x;
          $cp1->y = $p1->y;
          $cp2->x = $p2->x;
          $cp2->y = $p2->y;

          $d = $ffi->distance($cp1, $cp2);

          print "Distance is $d\n";

            $ php -d opcache.preload="preloader.php" \
                  -d opcache.enable_cli=true \
            Distance is 6.4031242374328

Abstract the API


        class Point {
            public int $x;
            public int $y;

            public function __construct(int $x, int $y) {
                $this->x = $x;
                $this->y = $y;

            public function toStruct($ffi) {
                $cp = $ffi->new('struct point');
                $cp->x = $this->x;
                $cp->y = $this->y;
                return $cp;

Abstract the API


        class PointApi {
            private static $ffi = null;

            public function __construct() {
                static::$ffi ??= \FFI::scope("POINTS");

            public function distance(Point $p1, Point $p2): float {
                $cp1 = $p1->toStruct(static::$ffi);
                $cp2 = $p2->toStruct(static::$ffi);

                return static::$ffi->distance($cp1, $cp2);


          $p1 = new Point(3, 4);
          $p2 = new Point(7, 9);

          $api = new PointApi();

          $d = $api->distance($p1, $p2);

          print "Distance is $d\n";

It works with Rust-based .so files, too!

(Though you'll need a manual header file)

Examples and resources

So when should I use it?

  • Not for everyday use
  • When you would have needed an extension
  • Existing large C libraries you want to use (Machine learning?)
  • Very complex self-contained algorithms (Use Rust)


Beware these deprecations/changes

__toString can now throw Exceptions

{} for strings and arrays is deprecated


          $array = [1, 2];
          echo $array[1]; // prints 2
          echo $array{1}; // also prints 2 - DEPRECATED

          $string = "foo";
          echo $string[0]; // prints "f"
          echo $string{0}; // also prints "f" - DEPRECATED

Left-associative ternaries deprecated

          return $a == 1 ? 'one'
               : $a == 2 ? 'two'
               : $a == 3 ? 'three'
               : $a == 4 ? 'four'
                         : 'other';

Does that check $a == 1 first, or last?

In PHP 7.3

          return ((($a == 1 ? 'one'
               : $a == 2) ? 'two'
               : $a == 3) ? 'three'
               : $a == 4) ? 'four'
                         : 'other';

$a == 1 prints four

In PHP 7.4

Parentheses are required when nested, deprecation warning otherwise

In PHP 8.0

Parentheses are required when nested, compile error otherwise

In all versions

What are you doing nesting ternaries like that???

$a ?: $b ?: $c is unchanged

Concatenation precedence

          // How is this interpreted?
          echo "sum: " . $a + $b;

          // PHP 7.3
          echo ("sum: " . $a) + $b;

          // PHP 7.4 (what you probably always meant)
          echo "sum :" . ($a + $b);

array_key_exists() with objects is deprecated

implode($pieces, $glue) is deprecated

money_format() is deprecated; use NumberFormatter::formatCurrency()

allow_url_include is deprecated

$closure->bindTo(null) is deprecated

array access on non-container throws E_WARNING


Nikita Popov

Thank you, Nikita Popov and JetBrains!


So when should I use it?

Right now!

PHP Versions lists 17 compatible hosts

(Yep, including

Larry Garfield


Director of Developer Experience

Idea to Cloud Hosting

Stalk us at @PlatformSH