Presented by Larry Garfield (@Crell)
implements Huggable
Do you trust your docblock?
class User {
protected $id;
protected $address;
public function getAddress() {
return $this->address;
function compute_shipping($src, User $user) {
$dest = $user->getAddress();
$distance = distance_between($src, $dest);
return $distance * .5; // 50 cents/mile
class User {
protected $id;
protected $address;
* @return Address
public function getAddress() {
return $this->address;
function compute_shipping($src, User $user) {
$dest = $user->getAddress();
$distance = distance_between($src, $dest);
return $distance * .5; // 50 cents/mile
class User {
protected $id;
protected $address;
public function getAddress() : Address {
return $this->address;
function compute_shipping($src, User $user) {
$dest = $user->getAddress();
$distance = distance_between($src, $dest);
return $distance * .5; // 50 cents/mile
$r = new UserRepository();
print $r->findById(123)->getAddress()->getStreet() . PHP_EOL;
Method called on non-object
No NULL means:
class UserRepository {
// ...
public function findById($id) : User {
if (/* can't find the user */) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No such User: ' . $id);
return $user;
interface AddressInterface {
public function getStreet();
public function getCity();
public function getState();
public function getZip();
class EmptyAddress implements AddressInterface {
public function getStreet() { return ''; }
public function getCity() { return ''; }
public function getState() { return ''; }
public function getZip() { return ''; }
class Address implements AddressInterface {
// ...
Returning false on error is a
big 'screw you' to your users
function compute_shipping($src, AddressInterface $dest) {
$distance = distance_between($src, $dest);
return $distance * .5; // 50 cents/mile
function distance_between(AddressInterface $src, AddressInterface $dest) {
// ...
$u_address = new Address(); // ...
$user = new User(123, $u_address);
$src = new Address(); // ...
compute_shipping($src, $user->getAddress());
What does distance_between() return?
function compute_shipping(AddressInterface $src, AddressInterface $dest) : float {
$distance = distance_between($src, $dest);
return $distance * .5; // 50 cents/mile
function distance_between(AddressInterface $src, AddressInterface $dest) : int {
// ...
$u_address = new Address(); // ...
$user = new User(123, $u_address);
$src = new Address(); // ...
compute_shipping($src, $user->getAddress());
Everyone here owes
Andrea Faulds and Anthony Ferrara a drink
interface AddressInterface {
public function getStreet();
public function getCity();
public function getState();
public function getZip();
Is getStreet() a string or object?
interface AddressInterface {
public function getStreet() : string;
public function getCity() : string;
public function getState() : string;
public function getZip() : string;
class Address implements AddressInterface {
public function __construct(string $street, string $city, string $state, string $zip) {
// ...
// ...
$u_address = new Address('45 Hull St', 'Boston', 'MA', 02113);
$user = new User(123, $u_address);
$src = new Address('2211 N Elston Ave', 'Chicago', 'IL', 60614);
compute_shipping($src, $user->getAddress());
Weak by default
* string -> int may E_NOTICE
class Address implements AddressInterface {
public function __construct(string $street, string $city, string $state, string $zip) {
// ...
public function getZip() : string {
return $this->zip;
// ...
Affects calls and returns from this file
$u_address = new Address('45 Hull St', 'Boston', 'MA', 02113);
$user = new User(123, $u_address);
$src = new Address('2211 N Elston Ave', 'Chicago', 'IL', 606014);
compute_shipping($src, $user->getAddress());
Affects calls and returns from this file
* int converts to float automatically
90% of the time
(Everywhere except Input)
Also, Documentation
New reserved words!
usort($array, function ($a, $b) {
if ($a < $b) {
return -1;
elseif ($a > $b) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
usort ($array, function($a, $b) {
return $a <=> $b;
usort($people, function (Person $a, Person $b) {
if ($a->lastName() < $b->lastName()) {
return -1;
elseif ($a->lastName() > $b->lastName()) {
return 1;
else {
if ($a->firstName() < $b->firstName()) {
return -1;
elseif ($a->firstName() > $b->firstName()) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
usort($people, function (Person $a, Person $b) {
return $a->lastName() < $b->lastName() ? -1
: ($a->lastName() > $b->lastName() ? 1
: $a->firstName() < $b->firstName() ? -1
: ($a->firstName() > $b->firstName() ? 1 : 0));
You're Fired!
usort($people, function (Person $a, Person $b) {
return [$a->lastName(), $a->firstName()] <=> [$b->lastName(), $b->firstName()];
$username = $username ? $username : 'Anonymous';
$username = $username ?: 'Anonymous';
But what if $username doesn't exist?
Notice: Undefined variable: username on line 3
$username = isset($username) && !is_null($username) ? $username : 'Anonymous';
NULL coalesce!
$username = $username ?? 'Anonymous';
$username = $submitted['username'] ?? $user->username() ?? 'Anonymous';
?? checks setness, not truthiness
Cryptography is hard
isn't really randommcrypt()
isn't really randomfread(fopen('/dev/urandom'), 16)
isn't portableWhat we want is an easy
Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator
Ask and ye shall receiveā¦
$junk = random_bytes(16);
$val = random_int(1, 100);
If you're not using these functions for security...
You're Doing It Wrong!
Reserved function names
$mock_repository = $this
$obj1 = new Thingie();
$obj2 = $this->getMockBuilder(Thingie::class)
$obj1 ->method('getVal')->willReturn('def');
$map = [ [1, $obj1], [2, $obj2] ];
$subject = new ClassUnderTest($mock_repository);
$fake_repository = new class extends ThingieRepository {
public function __construct() {}
public function load($id) {
switch ($id) {
case 1:
$obj1 = new Thingie();
return $obj1;
case 2:
return new class extends Thingie {
public function getVal() {
return 'def';
$subject = new ClassUnderTest($fake_repository);
new Service(new class implements LoggerInterface {
use LoggerTrait;
public function log($message) {
print $message . PHP_EOL;
new class($logger) implements ServiceInterface {
public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) {
$this->logger = $logger;
public function doServiceStuff() { }
Fatal errors suck
Recoverable errorsā¦ aren't
function doStuff(Request $r) {
// ...
$u = new User();
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to doStuff() must be an instance of Request, instance of User given
function doStuff(Request $r) {
// ...
$u = new User();
try {
catch (\TypeError $e) {
print "Wrong variable type, dummy." . PHP_EOL;
try {
include 'buggy_file.php';
catch (\ParseError $e) {
$logger->error("That file is buggy!");
try {
catch (\Error $e) {
print "The error was " . $e->getMessage();
Exceptions: The user screwed up
Errors: The coder screwed up
New reserved class names
Global exception handler
set_exception_handler(function(\Exception $e) {
// ...
set_exception_handler(function(\Throwable $e) {
// ...
set_exception_handler(function($e) {
// ...
Assertions suck
function doStuff(array $def) {
assert(isset($def['key']) && isset($def['value']), 'Invalid def');
// ...
function doStuff(array $def) {
assert('isset($def[\'key\']) && isset($def[\'value\'])', 'Invalid def');
// ...
ini_set('assert.exception', 1);
ini_set('zend.assertions', 1);
class InvalidDef extends AssertionError {}
function doStuff(array $def) {
assert(isset($def['key']) && isset($def['value']), new InvalidDef('Invalid def'));
// ...
Assertions are actually not-broken!
class RemoteSource implements Iterator {
protected $key;
protected $current;
protected $client;
public function __construct(Client $client) {
$this->client = $client;
$this->key = 0;
public function current() {
return $this->current;
public function next() {
$this->current = $this->client->get('' . $this->key);
public function key() {
return $this->key;
public function valid() {
return (bool)$this->current;
public function rewind() {
throw new Exception();
$result = $db->query(...);
$iterator = new AppendIterator();
$iterator->append(new RemoteSource($client));
foreach ($iterator as $item) {
// Do something.
function getRemoteValues($client) {
$key = 0;
while ($val = $client->get('' . $key++)) {
yield $val;
function getLocalValues() {
foreach (db()->query(...) as $record) {
yield $record;
function getValues($client) {
// This is the new part.
yield from getRemoteValues($client);
yield from getLocalValues();
return 'done';
$values = getValues($client);
foreach ($values as $item) {
// Do stuff
print $val->getReturn() . PHP_EOL;
Always Left-To-Right
[$obj1, $obj2][0]->prop
(function() { ... })()
Complex cases change meaning
When in doubt, use () or {}
Credit: Rasmus Lerdorf
Credit: Rasmus Lerdorf
Credit: Rasmus Lerdorf
Credit: Rasmus Lerdorf
But I'm scared of .0 releases!
PHP 7-ready hosts: 28 and counting
Senior Architect,
Let's Make Something Good Together.
Keep tabs on our work at @Palantir