Functional PHP

Presented by Larry Garfield (@Crell)

Warning, hard core geek action

Please pardon the nerd

But first a little history

Von Neumann Architecture

  • John Von Neumann, 1903-1957
  • Mathematician, Physicist, all-around genius
  • Set theory, Operator theory, quantum theory, nuclear physics...
  • One of those ridiculously smart people who don't get enough credit for how much they change the world.

Von Neumann Architecture

Computer system bus

Von Neumann Architecture

  • A program is just data: "Stored Program" concept
  • A program is a series of steps
  • Steps execute in linear sequence
  • Steps alter memory registers
  • Steps can alter the next step

Imperative Programming

  • Imperative "mood"
  • Series of precise commands
  • State: values that get changed over time by commands
  • The purpose of commands is to alter state

This is what all modern hardware does

Imperative Programming is following a recipe for a cake

Procedural Programming

  • Imperative Programming: Evolved
  • Procedure = subroutine = reusable series of commands
  • Structured Programming: High-level abstractions
    • if-then
    • while
    • for
Var MyList [5, 7, 2, 9, 2]
Var Biggest
Procedure FindBiggest
  For MyList As Item
    If Item > Biggest Then
      Biggest = Item
    End If
  End For
End Procedure

Call FindBiggest
Print Biggest

Imperative Programming is following a recipe for a cake

Procedural Programming is singing a song with a refrain

Imperative Programming defines
how a program should work.

Declarative programming

Declarative Programming defines
what a program should accomplish.

Functional Programming

  • John Backus, 1924-2007
  • Invented FORTRAN, 1953
  • As penance...
    • Developed Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
    • Co-developed Algol
    • Function-level Programming (FP), 1977

"Can Programming Be Liberated From the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and its Algebra of Programs"

Functional programming

Declare your algorithm

The compiler optimizes for you

Functional programming

  • Pure functions
  • Higher-order functions / First-class functions
  • Immutable variables

Imperative Programming is following a recipe for a cake

Procedural Programming is singing a song with a refrain

Functional Programming is expressions in a spreadsheet

So what?

This is PHP!

This is PHP!

Functional languages enforce what is
simply "good code" in other languages

Pure functions

  • No side-effects (including I/O)
  • Explicit function input/output
  • Stateless
  • Takes clear input, gives clear output: that's it

Pure functions

function theme_list(array $items, $type = 'ul') {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $output .= '
  • ' . $item . '
  • '; } return "<{$type}>" . $output . '<' . '/' . $type . '>'; }

    Pure functions

    • Easy testability
    • Not SAD (Spooky Action at a Distance)
    • Self-contained
    • No I/O
    • Idempotent

    Where have we seen this before...?

    Service objects

    • Stateless
    • Single-purpose
    • Idempotent (usually)
    • No non-I/O side-effects

    Good service objects are pure functions

    First-class functions

    • Functions can be a variable
    • Functions can be a parameter
    • Functions can be a return type
    $function = function($value) {
      return $value * 5;

    First-class functions

    • Strategy pattern
    • Lazy-evaluation
    • Partial evaluation / Currying

    Or just a really cool shorthand for objects

    Anonymous functions

    $find_pair = function ($card1, $card2) {
      return ($card1->value == $card2->value);
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));
    class FindPair {
      public function __invoke($card1, $card2) {
        return ($card1->value == $card2->value);
    $find_pair = new FindPair();
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));


    $wild = new Card('5H');
    $find_pair = function ($card1, $card2) use ($wild) {
      return ($card1->value == $card2->value
        || $wild->value == $card1->value && $wild->suit == $card1->suit
        || $wild->value == $card2->value && $wild->suit == $card2->suit);
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));
    $wild = new Card('5H');
    class FindPair {
      protected $wild;
      public function __construct($wild) {
        $this->wild = $wild;
      public function __invoke($card1, $card2) {
        return ($card1->value == $card2->value
          || $this->wild->value == $card1->value && $this->wild->suit == $card1->suit
          || $this->wild->value == $card2->value && $this->wild->suit == $card2->suit);
    $find_pair = new FindPair($wild);
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));

    Layering functions

    $wild = new Card('5H');
    $is_wild = function($card) use ($wild) {
      return $wild->value == $card->value && $wild->suit == $card->suit;
    $find_pair = function ($card1, $card2) use ($is_wild) {
      return ($c1->value == $c2->value || $is_wild($c1) || $is_wild($c2));
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));

    Delayed execution

    class Container {
      protected $factories = array();
      public function __set($key, $func) {
        $this->factories[$key] = $func;
      public function __get($key) {
        return $this->factories[$key]($this);
    $container = new Container();
    $container->conn = function($c) {
      return new DatabaseConnection($c->info);
    $container->info = function() { return ['user'=>'me', 'pass'=>'hi']; };
    $conn = $container->conn;

    Hey, look, a Dependency Injection Container!

    See also: Pimple


    abstract class Importer {
      public function __construct(MapInterface $map) { $this->map = $map; }
      public function mapData($source) {
        $dest = $this->repository->create('someType');
        foreach ($this->map->mapping() as $field => $callback) {
          $dest->$field = $callback($source);
        return $dest;
    class MyMapper implements MapInterface {
      public function mapping() {
        $proc = $this->someUtilityService;
        $map['title'] = function($source) use ($proc) {
          return strip_tags($proc->extract('label', $source));
        $map['body'] = function($source) { return $source->body; };
        $map['extra'] = function($source) { return "Some hard coded value"; };
        return $map;
    $importer = new Importer(new MyMapper());
    $my_object = $importer->mapData($fancy_external_data_object);

    The Functional Way


    • "Embarrassingly Parallel" Problems
    • Map
      1. Divide a problem into (identical) sub-problems
      2. Distribute to separate workers
    • Reduce
      1. Collect answers
      2. Combine back together
    • Really useful for epically huge data sets


    • Could get very complicated, or...
    • $result = array_map($callback, $array);
      $result = array_map(function($a) {
        // Your logic here.
      }, $array);
      $result = array_map(function($a, $b) {
        // Your logic here.
      }, $array1, $array2);
    • foreach(), but separates application from loop
    • Slightly slower, but not enough to care

    Declarative PHP

    $importer = new Importer(new MyMapper());
    foreach ($array_of_external_objects as $object) {
      $my_objects[] = $importer->mapData($object);
    $apply = function($callback, Iterator $i) {
      $ret = [];
      foreach ($i as $object) {
        $ret[] = $callback($object);
      return $ret;
    $importer = new Importer(new MyMapper());
    $my_objects = $apply([$importer, 'mapData'], $iter_of_objects);

    Immutable variables

    • Once set, may not be changed
    • Allows for memory optimization
    • Reduces SAD
    • State is where bugs come from
    • Forces small functions

    Value Objects

    • Easier testing
    • Less SAD
    • Often easier to read
    • Reuse an object safely

    Problems with mutation

    function foo(Something $a, Formatter $formatter) {
      $bar = get_bar($a, 'bar');
      $formatted = $formatter->format($a);
      $a = make_changes($a, $bar);
    $a = new Something();
    $a->bar = 'value1';
    print $a->bar . PHP_EOL;


    • Fancy name for result caching
    • Pure functions are pure: Same I, same O
    • You've probably done this before...


    function expensive($key) {
      static $keys = array();
      if (empty($keys[$key])) {
        $keys[$key] = /* some expensive operation */
      return $keys[$key];


    $factorial = function($a) use (&$factorial)  {
      print "Called function with $a" . PHP_EOL;
      if ($a == 1) {
        return 1;
      return $a * $factorial($a - 1);
    print "Result: " . $factorial(3) . PHP_EOL;
    print "Result: " . $factorial(4) . PHP_EOL;
    Called function with 3
    Called function with 2
    Called function with 1
    Result: 6
    Called function with 4
    Called function with 3
    Called function with 2
    Called function with 1
    Result: 24


    function memoize($function) {
      return function() use ($function) {
        static $results = array();
        $args = func_get_args();
        $key = serialize($args);
        if (empty($results[$key])) {
          $results[$key] = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
        return $results[$key];
    $factorial = memoize($factorial);
    print "Result: " . $factorial(3) . PHP_EOL;
    print "Result: " . $factorial(4) . PHP_EOL;
    Called function with 3
    Called function with 2
    Called function with 1
    Result: 6
    Called function with 4
    Result: 24

    What about objects?

    interface FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key);
    class Fancy implements FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key) { }
    class FancyCache implements FancyInterface {
      public function __construct(FancyInterface $wrapped) {
        $this->wrapped = $wrapped;
      public function compute($key) {
        if !($this->cache[$key]) {
          $this->cache[$key] = $this->wrapped->compute($key);
        return $this->cache[$key];
    $fancy = new FancyCache(new Fancy());

    Memoize any callable

    interface FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key);
    class Fancy implements FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key) { }
    $f = new Fancy();
    $callable = [$f, 'compute'];
    $f_cached = memoize($callable);
    // And it really really works.


    Haskell Curry


    Yet another crazy smart mathematician


    Splitting a multi-parameter function
    into multiple single-parameter functions

    A special case of partial-application


    $add = function ($a, $b) {
      return $a + $b;
    $add = function ($a) {
      return function($b) use ($a) {
        return $a + $b;
    $add1 = $add(1);
    $add5 = $add(5);
    $x = $add5($y);
    $adder = $add(get_config_value('increment_amount'));
    $x = $adder($y);
    $values = array_map($adder, $array);

    Practical Partials

    function partial($func, $arg1) {
      $func_args = func_get_args();
      $args = array_slice($func_args, 1);
      return function() use($func, $args) {
          $full_args = array_merge($args, func_get_args());
          return call_user_func_array($func, $full_args);
    $date_formatter = partial('date', 'Y-m-d h:i:s');
    print $date_formatter(1372636800);
    2013-07-01 00:00:00
    $dates = [1372636800, 1372896000, 1383004800,1384009200];
    print implode(PHP_EOL, array_map($date_formatter, $dates)) . PHP_EOL;
    2013-07-01 00:00:00
    2013-07-04 00:00:00
    2013-10-29 00:00:00
    2013-11-09 15:00:00

    Algorithm-first design

    Purity is awesome

    Think in terms of what, not how

    (You should be doing that anyway)

    Separate the what from how

    (You should be doing that anyway)

    Encapsulate your impurities, like I/O

    (You should be doing that anyway)

    State is where bugs come from

    (Does that make me an enemy of the state?)

    Functional programming isn't a language

    It's just good code

    Rate this session!

    Yell at me on Twitter: @Crell