Functional PHP

Presented by Larry Garfield (@Crell)

@Crell Pays me!
  • Senior Architect,
  • Drupal 8 Web Services Lead
  • Drupal Representative, PHP-FIG
  • Advisor, Drupal Association
  • Loveable pedant

Warning, hard core geek action

Please pardon the nerd

But first a little history

Two views of computing

Alonzo Church


  • Lambda Calculus
  • Relationship between math functions

    Alan Turing


    • Turing Machine
    • An abstract state machine

Von Neumann Architecture

John Von Neumann


  • Mathematician, Physicist
  • Set theory, Operator theory, quantum theory, nuclear physics...
  • ENIAC, 1948
  • EDVAC, 1949
  • Real-world implementations of a Turing Machine!

Von Neumann Architecture

  • A program is just data: "Stored Program" concept
  • A program is a series of steps
  • Steps execute in linear sequence
  • Steps alter memory registers
  • Steps can alter the next step

Imperative Programming

  • Imperative "mood"
  • Series of precise commands
  • State: values that get changed over time by commands
  • The purpose of commands is to alter state

This is what all modern hardware does

Imperative Programming is following a recipe for a cake

Procedural Programming

  • Imperative Programming: Evolved
  • Procedure = subroutine = reusable series of commands
  • Structured Programming: High-level abstractions
    • if-then
    • while
    • for

Var MyList [5, 7, 2, 9, 2]
Var Biggest
Procedure FindBiggest
  For MyList As Item
    If Item > Biggest Then
      Biggest = Item
    End If
  End For
End Procedure

Call FindBiggest
Print Biggest

Imperative Programming is following a recipe for a cake

Procedural Programming is singing a song with a refrain

Imperative Programming defines
how a program should work.

Declarative programming

Declarative Programming defines
what a program should accomplish.

Functional Programming

  • John Backus, 1924-2007
  • Invented FORTRAN, 1953
  • As penance...
    • Developed Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
    • Co-developed Algol
    • Function-level Programming (FP), 1977

"Can Programming Be Liberated From the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and its Algebra of Programs"

Functional programming

Declare your algorithm

The compiler optimizes for you

Functional programming

  • Pure functions
  • Immutable variables
  • Higher-order functions / First-class functions

Imperative Programming is following a recipe for a cake

Procedural Programming is singing a song with a refrain

Functional Programming is expressions in a spreadsheet

So what?

This is PHP!

This is PHP!

Functional languages enforce what is
simply "good code" in other languages

Pure functions

  • No side-effects (including I/O)
  • Explicit function input/output
  • Stateless
  • Takes clear input, gives clear output: that's it

Pure functions

function theme_list(array $items, $type = 'ul') {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $output .= '
  • ' . $item . '
  • '; } return "<{$type}>" . $output . '<' . '/' . $type . '>'; }

    Pure functions

    • Easy testability
    • Not SAD (Spooky Action at a Distance)
    • Self-contained
    • No I/O
    • Idempotent

    Where have we seen this before...?

    Service objects

    • Stateless
    • Single-purpose
    • Idempotent (usually)
    • No non-I/O side-effects

    Good service objects are pure functions

    Immutable variables

    • Once set, may not be changed
    • Allows for memory optimization
    • Reduces SAD
    • State is where bugs come from
    • Forces small functions

    Value Objects

    • Easier testing
    • Less SAD
    • Often easier to read
    • Reuse an object safely

    Problems with mutation

    function foo(Something $a, Formatter $formatter) {
      $bar = get_bar($a, 'bar');
      $formatted = $formatter->format($a);
      $a = make_changes($a, $bar);
    $a = new Something();
    $a->bar = 'value1';
    print $a->bar . PHP_EOL;

    First-class functions

    • Functions can be a variable
    • Functions can be a parameter
    • Functions can be a return type
    $function = function($value) {
      return $value * 5;

    First-class functions

    • Strategy pattern
    • Lazy-evaluation
    • Partial evaluation

    Or just a really cool shorthand for objects

    Anonymous functions

    $find_pair = function ($card1, $card2) {
      return ($card1->value == $card2->value);
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));
    class FindPair {
      public function __invoke($card1, $card2) {
        return ($card1->value == $card2->value);
    $find_pair = new FindPair();
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));


    $wild = new Card('5H');
    $find_pair = function ($card1, $card2) use ($wild) {
      return ($card1->value == $card2->value
        || $wild->value == $card1->value && $wild->suit == $card1->suit
        || $wild->value == $card2->value && $wild->suit == $card2->suit);
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));
    $wild = new Card('5H');
    class FindPair {
      protected $wild;
      public function __construct($wild) {
        $this->wild = $wild;
      public function __invoke($card1, $card2) {
        return ($card1->value == $card2->value
          || $this->wild->value == $card1->value && $this->wild->suit == $card1->suit
          || $this->wild->value == $card2->value && $this->wild->suit == $card2->suit);
    $find_pair = new FindPair($wild);
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));

    Layering functions

    $wild = new Card('5H');
    $is_wild = function($card) use ($wild) {
      return $wild->value == $card->value && $wild->suit == $card->suit;
    $find_pair = function ($c1, $c2) use ($is_wild) {
      return ($c1->value == $c2->value || $is_wild($c1) || $is_wild($c2));
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));

    Where have we seen this before...?

    Delayed execution

    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;
    class MyController {
      public function helloCsv() {
        $lots_of_data = get_lots_of_data();
        $response = new StreamedResponse();
        $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
        $response->setCallback(function() use ($lots_of_data) {
          foreach ($lots_of_data as $record) {
            print implode(', ', $record) . PHP_EOL;
        return $response;

    Unordered dependencies

    class Container {
      protected $factories = array();
      public function __set($key, $func) {
        $this->factories[$key] = $func;
      public function __get($key) {
        return $this->factories[$key]($this);
    $container = new Container();
    $container->conn = function($c) {
      return new DatabaseConnection($c->info);
    $container->info = function() { return ['user'=>'me', 'pass'=>'hi']; };
    $conn = $container->conn;

    Hey, look, a Dependency Injection Container!

    See also: Pimple


    class Importer {
      public function __construct(MapInterface $map) { $this->map = $map; }
      public function mapData($source) {
        $dest = $this->repository->create('someType');
        foreach ($this->map->mapping() as $field => $callback) {
          $dest->$field = $callback($source);
        return $dest;
    class MyMapper implements MapInterface {
      public function mapping() {
        $proc = $this->someUtilityService;
        $map['title'] = function($source) use ($proc) {
          return strip_tags($proc->extract('label', $source));
        $map['body'] = function($source) { return $source->body; };
        $map['extra'] = function($source) { return "Some hard coded value"; };
        return $map;
    $importer = new Importer(new MyMapper());
    $my_object = $importer->mapData($fancy_external_data_object);

    Functional tools


    • "Embarrassingly Parallel" Problems
    • Map
      1. Divide a problem into (identical) sub-problems
      2. Distribute to separate workers
    • Reduce
      1. Collect answers
      2. Combine back together
    • Really useful for epically huge data sets


    Could get very complicated, or...

    $result = array_map($callback, $array);
    $result = array_map(function($a) {
      // Your logic here.
    }, $array);
    $result = array_map(function($a, $b) {
      // Your logic here.
    }, $array1, $array2);
    $result = array_map([$obj, 'aMethod'], $array);

    foreach(), but separates application from loop

    Declarative PHP

    $importer = new Importer(new MyMapper());
    foreach ($array_of_external_objects as $object) {
      $my_objects[] = $importer->mapData($object);
    function apply($callback, Iterator $i) {
      $ret = [];
      foreach ($i as $object) {
        $ret[] = $callback($object);
      return $ret;
    $importer = new Importer(new MyMapper());
    $my_objects = apply([$importer, 'mapData'], $iter_of_objects);


    • Fancy name for result caching
    • Pure functions are pure: Same I, same O
    • You've probably done this before...


    function expensive($key) {
      static $keys = array();
      if (empty($keys[$key])) {
        $keys[$key] = /* some expensive operation */
      return $keys[$key];


    $factorial = function($a) use (&$factorial)  {
      print "Called function with $a" . PHP_EOL;
      if ($a == 1) {
        return 1;
      return $a * $factorial($a - 1);
    print "Result: " . $factorial(3) . PHP_EOL;
    print "Result: " . $factorial(4) . PHP_EOL;
    Called function with 3
    Called function with 2
    Called function with 1
    Result: 6
    Called function with 4
    Called function with 3
    Called function with 2
    Called function with 1
    Result: 24


    function memoize($function) {
      return function() use ($function) {
        static $results = array();
        $args = func_get_args();
        $key = serialize($args);
        if (empty($results[$key])) {
          $results[$key] = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
        return $results[$key];
    $factorial = memoize($factorial);
    print "Result: " . $factorial(3) . PHP_EOL;
    print "Result: " . $factorial(4) . PHP_EOL;
    Called function with 3
    Called function with 2
    Called function with 1
    Result: 6
    Called function with 4
    Result: 24

    What about objects?

    interface FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key);
    class Fancy implements FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key) { }
    class FancyCache implements FancyInterface {
      public function __construct(FancyInterface $wrapped) {
        $this->wrapped = $wrapped;
      public function compute($key) {
        if !($this->cache[$key]) {
          $this->cache[$key] = $this->wrapped->compute($key);
        return $this->cache[$key];
    $fancy = new FancyCache(new Fancy());

    Memoize any callable

    interface FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key);
    class Fancy implements FancyInterface {
      public function compute($key) { }
    $f = new Fancy();
    $callable = [$f, 'compute'];
    $f_cached = memoize($callable);
    // And it really really works.


    Haskell Curry


    Yet another crazy smart mathematician


    Splitting a multi-parameter function
    into multiple single-parameter functions

    A special case of partial-application


    function add($a, $b) {
      return $a + $b;
    function partial_add($a) {
      return function($b) use ($a) {
        return $a + $b;
    $add1 = partial_add(1);
    $add5 = partial_add(5);
    $x = $add5($y);
    $adder = partial_add(get_config_value('increment_amount'));
    $x = $adder($y);
    $values = array_map($adder, $array);

    Practical Partials

    function partial($func, $arg1) {
      $func_args = func_get_args();
      $args = array_slice($func_args, 1);
      return function() use($func, $args) {
          $full_args = array_merge($args, func_get_args());
          return call_user_func_array($func, $full_args);
    $date_formatter = partial('date', 'Y-m-d h:i:s');
    print $date_formatter(1372914000);
    2013-07-04 12:00:00

    Bring it all together

    Layering functions: Revisited

    $wild = new Card('5H');
    $is_wild = function($card) use ($wild) {
    return $wild->value == $card->value && $wild->suit == $card->suit;
    $find_pair = function ($c1, $c2) use ($is_wild) {
    return ($c1->value == $c2->value || $is_wild($c1) || $is_wild($c2));
    $is_pair = $find_pair(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));

    Testable functions

    function is_equal($a, $b) {
      return $a->value == $b->value && $a->suit == $b->suit;
    function find_pair($is_wild, $c1, $c2) {
      return ($c1->value == $c2->value || $is_wild($c1) || $is_wild($c2));
    $wild_checker = partial('is_equal', new Card('5H'));
    $pair_checker = partial('find_pair', $wild_checker);
    $is_pair = $pair_checker(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));
    $cached_checker = memoize($pair_checker);
    $is_pair = $cached_checker(new Card('2H'), new Card('8D'));

    Build from atomic pieces

    function is_three_kind($find_pair, array $cards) {
      return $find_pair($cards[0], $cards[1]) && $find_pair($cards[1], $cards[2]);
    $three_checker = memoize(partial('is_three_kind', $pair_checker));

    And keep on going...

    Pure functional languages have this advantage: all flow of data is made explicit. And this disadvantage: sometimes it is painfully explicit.

    —Philip Wadler


    • Make data flow explicit (90% of the time)
    • Pure functions enable awesomeness
    • Think in terms of what, not how
    • Separate the what from how
    • Isolate your impurities, like I/O
    • Single-Responsibility Principle on steroids
    • State is where bugs come from

    Functional programming isn't a language

    It's just good code

    Larry Garfield

    Senior Architect,

    Let's Make Something Good Together

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